Now we've all see Spiderman go climbing on the side of buildings and most of us accept that after he was infused with radioactive spider DNA he developed an ability, just like spiders and other insects, to adhere to the side of walls as his hands have developed thorn like structures. But, what about when he is wearing his Spiderman gloves as he always does when dressed as Spiderman? Aha, problemo. No explanation. Anyway, in this Spiderman climbing game you play the role of our intrepid hero and have to climb to the top of skyscrapers whilst avoiding objects being thrown at you by the human hating Lizard arch-villain. To play this game use your arrow keys for movement, your "x" key to jump and your "z" key to load your webs and your space bar to shoot them. After you play this Spiderman climbing game why not check out and play our other online Spiderman games.
Batman has appeared in many online
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