This Spiderman memory game is quite cool. It uses images from the Spiderman 3 film on turned over cards. You then have to turn over two cards at at time, if they match, they stay turned over. If not they go back face down. Use your memory to get all the cards matched up correctly before the clock runs out. You get three levels of difficulty making this Spiderman memory game good for all ages. After you play this Spiderman memory game, why not check out and play our other free online Spiderman games, we've another couple of Spiderman puzzle games below. Spiderman would want you to. Yes he would. /p>
Play this Spiderman game by looking very closely at the two pictures. Hidden within each picture are a number of similar objects, but they're very well hidden. After you find the first, it'll all become more obvious!
Doc Ock throws letters onto a grid and you have to work out the anagram. If you take too long to work it out, he starts throwing rocks at Spiderman. Solve each of the words to help Spiderman climb and complete each level and then confront Doc Ock.
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