The streets of New York are full of archvillains and master criminals and many of them have done battle with Spiderman over the years from the Goblin, Doctor Octopus, the Lizard, Hydroman etc and this time Spiderman is all out to clean up the streets once and for all, pack away his Spiderman outfit and have a nice cup of tea. But it's not going to be that simple as he's run out of tea bags, as you do. So, forget the past and let's do a bit of blatant advertising with a game sponsored by Underoos, a brand of underwear primarily for children, produced by the Fruit of the Loom company. Yep, you've got it, Spiderman has to swing through the city collecting as many Underoos t-shirts and boxers as he can without falling into the traffic below. Totally shameless. You can even use a street map to find out where the Underoos apparel is located. Did we mention Underoos? One good thing, if Spidey has an accidnet downstairs at least he'll have a clean pair of boxers on hand. To play click on the next t-short or boxers to swing forward. After you play this online Amazing Spiderman game why not check out and play our other online Spiderman games?
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